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OBT's The Nutcracker will return in 2024 to Our Lady of Good Counsel Performing Arts Center in Olney

Olney Ballet Theatre's production of The Nutcracker offers a magical and transformative opportunity for young and emerging dancers and aspiring performers in our community.

As a part of this iconic and beloved holiday tradition, participants are given the opportunity to perform alongside professional dancers, gain stage experience, enhance technical skills and build confidence, and create lasting memories and friendships.


This extraordinary experience goes beyond dance, fostering personal growth and opening doors to future opportunities in theater and the world of ballet.​



OPEN Auditions are for several youth roles including Angels, Little Mice, Big Mice, Soldiers, and Party Scene. Some dance experience is preferred, but not required for Open Roles.

Note: ALL Rehearsals (prior to our move to the theater, take place at Berrend Dance Center, 9264 Gaither Road, Gaithersburg

Open Auditions are now Closed.

However, we are still looking for "Party Boys".

Please reach out to

with any questions.


Agreements & Fees are DUE
by Nov. 15th!

The parent meeting recording is now available! Thank you for your patience. Please reach out to or with any questions. 


​Parent Meeting Recording: 
Passcode: He2k#i*q

Dancers joining our cast (after auditioning) require completed dancer agreements and participation fees BY NOVEMBER 15th. Please see below for more information and link to the agreement.  

Dancer Expectations and Additional Considerations

All participating dancers are required to:


When participating in The Nutcracker, please be aware of the following:

  • Performance Participation Fee: Required for all participants

  • Personal Supplies: Dancers may need to purchase specific items, including a professional stage make-up set. We also ask families to donate some green room supplies to support show operations. 

  • Rehearsal Schedule: Subject to change (detailed schedule to be provided)

  • Volunteer Hours: All families are required to volunteer for a minimum of 30 hours (15 for angels only). Half of your volunteer hours should be completed during performance week.

  • Additional Show Tickets: Each dancer receives 50% off 2 tickets to any show as part of their performance fee


For more detail, see the below links: 

Cast Participation Contracts & Membership Fees

​​​​Ready to join the cast?

After auditioning, dancers joining our cast are required to sign a dancer agreement and pay Membership Fees by November 15, 2024. Once payment is received, you will receive the password to this year's dancer portal. 


Your fees include: studio time, downloads of show recordings* and photos*, 1 cast shirt per dancer, and costumes. 

(*a minimum of 3 shows will be recorded and photographed)


2024 Total Membership Fees

(without audition registration fee applied):

Angel Only:  $250

Individual Dancer:  $350
(or Dancer #1 of a family)         

Additional Dancers:  $50 per dancer
(Dancer(s)#2++ of a family)   


Olney Ballet Theatre is a 501c3 organization. Audition registration fees, and a portion of membership fees are tax deductible: ​

Audition Registration Fee ($25 per dancer), Angel Only ($150), Individual Dancer ($250), Additional Dancer(s) ($25)


Payments can be made via cash, check, or Paypal (using the "Donate" button below).

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Attendance Policy

It is expected that dancers are required to attend ALL rehearsals and be available for ALL shows. All absences must be shared with the Parent Guild ( & and approved by the Artistic Director. Please note that more than 2 absences requests may impact a dancer's castability. 

Help Us Spread the Word!

Please help us in spreading the word about this year's run!


Print and share our show poster, and share the link to this page ( with anyone who might be interested in buying tickets, sponsoring, or donating to OBT. The more, the merrier!

2024 Show Poster_with QR Code.png


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